

Deviation Actions

Nervosix's avatar

Literature Text

Once again, the streets ran full with people shouting their discontent at the cold winter air.

Their cries were filled with outrage and their eyes, like candles, burned brightly in the darkness of the events that had come to pass.

Most striking however was that while the men and women of the country walked and protested against an endless machine of violence, there were few who acted directly against the threat. And this is why this machine of violence is so effective. It comes in, rolls over the bodies of men and women trying to make a living and subsequently flee. They leave no opportunity for justice or as the objective eye might call it: Vengeance.

Yes, eventually parts of the machine were destroyed but only to be replaced with new parts that cried justice as they slid into their place. Once run with the oil of religious extremism, the oil has turned to retribution. The tragic part being that the machine continues to run, losing and picking up parts as it goes. A self-sustaining murder train which can stop in any city of any country all over the globe with zero warning and devastating consequence.

Cry if you must. Or utter cynical nothings at the words upon this page. But the facts remain and upon that train, you might one day hold a space.
At yet another inhuman set of actions which plague the world's news stations.
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